Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Day 3

Today was a day of getting lost. Not super lost, but lost non the less. That reminds me - Watch LOST on Hulu has been added to your quest list.

Visited the Y today. I was totally blown away by their facility. They have an amazing pool, indoor track, tons of classes, and a huge amount of equipment. Did I mention the steam room and sauna? Because they're incredible! We're going to be joining.

Run: 2 miles ish
Lap 1 - Warm up walk
Lap 2 - Run (incomplete)
Lap 3 - Run (incomplete)
Lap 4 - Run (incomplete)
Lap 5 - Cool down with final sprint
5 miles total

Bike: Rain, rain, go away!

Knit/Croc: Still on stripe 6. Too much running around. I must make AS a monkey.

Draw: Sketch book acquired. Now just have to use it :)

Eat: Breakfast - Cheerios with a banana, strawberries, and almond milk
Running snack - 2 Chomps
Lunch - Leftover Surprise! Hummus, black beans and corn, yellow rice, salad, pasta salad with peppers, and half an orange.
Dinner - Lemon linguine with shrimp and salad. YUM! I also had dessert. That rocky road ice cream bar had been calling my name for days!

Book: We hit the Eva P. Library again. I can't help myself. I discovered their graphic novels section and another audio book section for YA.

Awe: I found the bouldering boulders in Cary Park! I'm so excited! First dry day and I'm there with my shoes and bag.

LB: Make Make AS a monkey - croc or sock

FP: Looked into NYC tics. We'll be booking those soon. Gotta get the rest of the holiday planning ducks in a row. Looking like they'll be about $170.

TDT: Watch Lost...eventually

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