Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Day 9 & 10

Oy, what a drive. Lunch with I, R and ? was good. I can not wait to play some Pokemon Snap! K and I are going to rock that so hard.

Run: To much driving on day 9. Day 10 just started...we shall see....We went for a long walk after dinner! Yay!


Knit/Croc: still on stripe 8 I believe. It's amazing how distracting a wedding and drinking can be...not really.


Eat: Breakfast 9 - I don't remember that happening
Lunch 9 - Coconut soup with tofu and Pad Thai with tofu, slightly later there was a Two Guys (yum!) chicken salad melt with a root beer... I'll eat all the double lunches I want with a hangover
Dinner 9 - Mexican back in Cary. Chicken taquitos with a $1.50 (!!!!) margrita (= awesome)
Breakfast 10 - Cherrios and almond milk (Everyone ignore the fact it's nearly lunch. I can go about my business now. Move along.)
Lunch 10 - Hummus and carrot sticks, vegan pot stickers with sesame sauce
Dinner 10 - Hearty veggie soup with grill cheese and salad. Chocolate covered banana for dessert.

Book: Finished I Drink for a Reason, Ice Haven and Hellboy: Darkness Calls. Working The Last Olympian and listening to Ben and Me.




TDT: Must dig out N64 to play Pokemon Snap!

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