Sunday, October 4, 2009

First Day (3 Days late)

We're finally settled in NC (sort of). Still haven't finished unpacking the car.

Did manage to get K moved in less then a week. So stressful.

This is mainly going to be an experiment in record keeping. I want to keep a log of our adventures in unemployment. The idea is to take the time and develop some habits that I've always wanted to have (eating healthy, exercise, traveling, art, etc.) or have had before and dropped them by the wayside with that whole working thing. Stupid working.

So here's a check list. Likely to be expanded...

Running [Run]: (distance/time)
Bike [Bike]: (distance/time)
Knitting/Crochet [Knit/Croc]: (project, maybe approximate number of rows completed)
Drawing [Draw]: (Blind contour drawing, other projects)
What did you eat today [Eat]:
Books! [Book]: (Current reads and recently completed, audio books too!)
Awesome [Awe]: (This is just a catch all for awesome things, like the massive lobster boil we had yesterday! Or rock bike routes, etc.)
Ideas [LB]: (LB stands for light bulb, get it? Just ideas I want to note.)
Future Planning [FP]: (What I've done to plan for our upcoming trip to New Zealand and New York. Any other planning updates.)

So it will look like this:











And here's today so far:

Run: probably a mile. Broken up between walks.
Lap break down.
1 - Warm up/walk lap
2 - Run (not completed)
3 - Run (not completed)
4 - Walk with ending sprinit
Felt great, but out of shape. Each lap is a little under a mile.


Knit/Croc: Knitted on the back deck this morning after breakfast. It's gorgeous out! Working on HPS1 I'm on 5th stripe. Going well. Really like the Dark Horse Fantasy Yarn.

Draw: Must find sketch book!

Eat: Breakfast - cheerios, banana and almond milk
Lunch - yellow rice and black beans
Dinner - 3 pieces of fancy pizza, gorgonzola with pear and goat cheese with red pepper.
Snack - couple handfuls of Reese's Pieces...bad, but tasty

Book: I finished the third Percy Jackson the day before yesterday. I would probably already be half way through the fourth if I could remember where on earth I packed it. "Find the Library" has been added to you quest list. Listening to The Sorcerer's Stone again = Awesome. The Chronicles of Narnia showed up. Will be listening to those soon.

Awe: Zombieland with K!

LB: Croc ( . )( . ) 8==> for KR mwahahaa.

FP: Research NZ Tickets.

TDT: Find the Library. Deposit Checks.

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