Monday, October 5, 2009

Day 2

We accomplished a lot today. Lots of odds and ends. I'm starting to get a firmer grasp on where things are here. I'm finding it really difficult with all the winding roads that look the same to even keep a cardinal direction sense...especially when it's rainy and overcast.

In other news: I got to wear a coat for our evening walk! I love fall!

Run: Walked 3 laps today


Knit/Croc: On Stripe 6

Draw: Still need to find sketch book. Must locate art supplies box.

Eat: Breakfast - Toasted roll with Raspberry Jam and a banana
Lunch - Greek! Hummus, pita, taboli, falefel, tazeki, fries, grape leave good
Dinner - Veggie tacos, yellow rice and refried beer

I was nearly vegan today. That's officially weird. Officially.

Book: We found the Library! 4th P.J., The Demigod Files, and The Tale of Despereaux. HPGoF and Loamhedge on audio! So excited! I heart the Eva Perry Library's YA section! It's huge!




TDT: Check out the local YMCA. Find Sketch Book. Research Health Insurance. Finish unpacking....dun dun DUN!

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