Thursday, October 8, 2009

Day 5

Finally cleaned the car out. Huzzah! Lots of running around to get wedding stuff taken care of today. Finally ready for Asheville this weekend. Fwoo.



Knit/Croc: nearly done with stripe 6. Should be well into 7 by this evening.


Eat: Breakfast - Toast with raspberry jam and fresh strawberries.
Lunch - Vegan pasta with "meat" balls. Tasty.
Dinner - Not even a little vegitarian...London Broil with mushrooms, mashed sweet potatoes, peas, and polenta with a Spaten Oktoberfest to drink! So good! I also had a cookie with dark chocolate...sometimes when you go bad...

Book: Working on The Demigod Files

Awe: Most excellent discovery of the beer selection at Total Wine. I get to have Delirium Tremens and Spaten Oktoberfest! Looks like those glasses are getting used tonight!


FP: Made a rough draft of our travel plans. It's going to be an incredible trip!

TDT: Need to order checks so we can join the Y!

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