Friday, October 16, 2009

Day 12

Lots of laundry and cleaning our room. now it looks like a room and not a disaster. Also helped P's dad with the quest for antiques.



Knit/Croc: some, still on 11


Eat: Breakfast - Cheerios, banana, and almond milk
Lunch - Hummus sandwich and Miso soup
Dinner - Tacos! I had 5 (!) beef, corn, rice, pepper, onion, cheese, and salsa with a Delirium Tremens. Whips key lime yogurt for dessert.

Book: Finished American Splendor. Working on The Tale of Despereaux, Loamhedge, The Last Olympian.


LB: Bird on DT bottle for A's cabinent


TDT: We will get up at 8am tomorrow!

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